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    • Говорит Ион Лукьянов! Легкая атлетика | 25 февраля 2010
    • Vorbeşte Ion Luchianov! La Olimpiada de la Beijing Ion Luchianov a concurat practic doar cu sportivi de culoare. Pentru toţi a fost o supriză enormă, mai ales pentru sportivii din Europa. Cu atit mai mult ca Ion vine dintr-o tara mai putin cunoscuta. Ne aducem aminte şi acum de salutul său pentru toţi cetăţenii Moldovei, care îi îndeamnă să facă mai multă mişcare. Легкая атлетика | 25 февраля 2010
    • Speaks Ion Luchianov! At the Olympics in Beijing, Ion Luchianov competed virtually only with Afro-American athletes. Everybody was surprised, especially the European sportsmen. More than that, Ion comes from a less known country. We remember and now his message to all the Moldovan citizens, whom he urges that movement is life. Being almost 29 years old he does not believe in the existence of an ideal woman. Maybe because of that he is still not married. He says he is concerned about his sporting career. And he proves that by reaching among the best athletes in the world at 3000 meters hurdles. Ion was impressed by the culture of Asian countries, but regrets he had not visited so far the strongest nation in the world and does not exclude to live for a while in another country. This year he hopes to climb the podium at the European Championship and to make some money, for he wants another car. Ion Luchianov is full of surprises. By the end of the discussion he confessed that used to practice wrestling and football when he was younger and not athletics. Легкая атлетика | 25 февраля 2010
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