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    • Неудача борцов греко-римского стиля В столице Азербайджана продолжается чемпионат Европы по борьбе. В субботу, 17-го апреля, после мужчин-вольников и женской борьбы на ковер вышли борцы греко-римского стиля. Wrestling | 17 April 2010
    • Luptătorii probei greco-romane au suferit un eşec Până acum au intrat în concurs Fiodor Gaivan (66 kg) şi Ghenadie Guţu (74 kg). Ambii au suferit înfrângere în chiar primul meci. La Baku urmează să lupte alţi trei sportivi moldoveni ai probe greco-romane: Donior Islamov (50 kg), Iurii Malai (84 kg) şi Marin Cazac (96 kg). Wrestling | 17 April 2010
    • The failure of the Moldavian wrestlers at the European Champion Andrei Prepeliță brings the first medal for Moldova at the European Wrestling Championship, held in Baku, Azerbaijan. In the fight for the bronze medal in the weight category of 60 kg, the Moldavian wrestler defeated the Finland's representative. Moldova has not won medals at the Wrestling Championships since 2005, when Ghenadie Tulbea stepped on the highest rank of the podium. Another Moldavian sportsman, peforming in the weight category of 96 kg, Nicolae Ceban, showed only the 5th result.Also on the 5th step of the classment is seen Vladimir Gotişan in the category of up to 66 kg, a result that he gets already the second consecutive year.Poor results have been proved byother Moldavian wrestlers. Alexandru Chirtoaca (55kg) showed the 11th result, Peter Ianulov (84 kg) was only the 18th, while at the 120 kg, Andrei Podsevalnicov took the last position oftop 10. Wrestling | 17 April 2010
    • Виктор Пейков: «Продажа моего автомобиля не имеет ничего общего с долгами Федерации» Экономический кризис наносит удар по молдавскому спорту. Мало того, что в спорт практически не вкладываются деньги, так и условия для развития спортсменов также отсутствуют. В последнее время в прессе ходила информация, что президент Федерации борьбы Молдовы Виктору Пейкову пришлось продать свой автомобиль, чтобы найти деньги на оплату штрафа в размере пяти тысяч евро, наложенного на молдавскую профильную федерацию Международной федерацией борьбы. Штраф был наложен в связи с тем, что в Молдове не было финансовых возможностей отправить своих судей на юношеские чемпионаты Европы и чемпионат мира. Wrestling | 17 April 2010
    • Victor Peicov: "Vînzarea automobilului nu are nici o legătură cu datoriile federației!" Criza economică face ravagii în sportul moldovenesc. Bani nu sînt, condiții de-asemenea. Dar pînă la extreme lucrurile încă nu au ajuns. În presă s-a vehiculat că președintele federației de lupte libere, Victor Peicov, și-ar fi vîndut automobilul personal pentru a achita amenda de 5000 de euro Federației Internaționale de profil, din cauza absenței arbitrilor moldoveni la mai multe competiții. Peicov a infirmat știrea, afirmînd că vînzarea automobilului nu are nimic în comun cu banii împrumutați federației. Wrestling | 17 April 2010
    • Victor Peicov: "The sale of my car has nothing to do with the Federation's debts!" The financial crisis affected Moldavian sport. There are no money, no conditions, as well. The was written that the president of the wrestling federation, Victor Peicov, sold his own car to pay a fine of 5000 euros to the International Federation, because of the absence of the Moldavian referees at several competitions. Peicov denied the news, declaring that the sale of his car has nothing to do with the money he lended to the federation.- The fine to the International Federation and the performance of the Moldavian wrestlers at the European Championship have nothing to do with the sale of my car. I just borrowed $ 8,000 to the Federation of Moldova. The periods coincided. The problem had to be solved and I did it. I borrowed the needed amount. The car was old, and I had to sell it anyway. Events occurred exactly in the same period. Wrestling | 17 April 2010
    • Андрей Перпелица вернулся в Молдову с медалью чемпионата Европы по вольной борьбе Новоиспеченный призер чемпионата Европы по вольной борьбе Андрей Перпелица вернулся на родину. Из Баку Андрей Препелица вернулся с бронзовой медалью, которая стала первой завоеванной наградой на европейском первенстве за последние 5 лет. До этого, в 2005-м году, Геннадий Тулбя поднимался на европейский подиум, завоевал для сборной Молдовы «золото» турнира. Wrestling | 17 April 2010
    • Andrei Prepeliță revine în Moldova cu medalia Campionatului European de lupte libere Unicul medaliat al Campionatului European de lupte libere, Andrei Prepeliță, s-a reîntors în patrie. Din Baku, Prepeliță, a revenit cu o medalie de bronz, medalie așteptată de Moldova timp de 5 ani. Ultimul luptător Moldovean care a urcat pe podium la Europene a fost Ghenadie Tulbea. În 2005, el a cîștigat aurul turneului. Wrestling | 17 April 2010
    • Andrei Prepeliță comes back to Moldova with the medal of the European Wrestling Championship The only medal holder of the European Wrestling Championship, Andrei Prepeliță, returned home. FromBaku,Prepeliță, returned with a bronze medal, medal expected byMoldovafor 5 years. The last Moldavianwhowon anEuropean medal wasGhenadie Tulbea. In 2005 he won the gold of the tournament. Wrestling | 17 April 2010
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