По разделам:       По стилю:
    • JLC самая результативная команда чемпионата Молдовы по футзалу Самой результативной командой Чемпионата Молдовы по футзалу сезона 2009/2010 стал бронзовый призер первенства JLC. На счету подопечных Руслана Кмита 118 мячей в 20-и матчах, то есть на 36 мячей больше, чем у двукратного чемпиона страны «Торнадо». Во встречах против «Элана» (10:1) и «Сокола» (13:5) «молочники» отправили в ворота своего соперника в общей сложности 23 мяча. Футзал | 19 апреля 2010
    • JLC este cea mai rezultativă echipă a campionatului naţional de futsal Gruparea JLC, care s-a ales anul acesta doar cu medaliile de bronz a Campionatului Naţional de Futsal este cea mai rezultativă echipă a sezonului 2009-2010. În cele 20 de partide disputate, discipolii lui Ruslan Kmit au înscris 118 goluri, adică cu 36 mai mult decît campioana din ultimii 2 ani, Tornado. În doar două partide contra lui Elan (10-1) şi Sokol (13-5) JLC trimite mingea de 23 de ori în poarta adversarilor. Футзал | 19 апреля 2010
    • JLC scores the most goals in the National Futsal Championship JLC which won the bronze medals of the National Futsal Championship is the team to score the most goals in the 2009-2010 season. In 20 played games, the disciples coached by Ruslan Kmit scored 118 goals, that is with 36 goals more than the champion of the last 2 years, Tornado. In just two games versus Elan (10-1) and Sokol (13-5) JLC scored 23 times in the opponent's posts. Футзал | 19 апреля 2010
    • "Торнадо" второй год подряд завоевывает чемпионство. Торнадо - ASET 6:1 Футзал | 19 апреля 2010
    • Tornado - campioană pentru al doilea an consecutiv. Tornado - Aset 6:1 Tornado repetă istoria şi îşi adjudecă titlul pentru al doilea an consecutiv. În meciul decisiv al ultimei runde Tornado se impune categoric în faţa lui Aset, cu 6-1. Spre acest meci ambele echipe au mers cu acelaşi număr de puncte şi cu acelaşi scop măreţ - aurul campionatului. Aset, care a condus clasamentul mai bine de o jumătate din tuneu, şi-a văzut visul spulberat. După ce a terminat la egalitate 1-1 prima repriză, Tornado face show în a doua jumătate de joc. Valeriu Băeşu a trăit o zi de glorie, marcînd 5 din cele 6 goluri încasate de Aset. Футзал | 19 апреля 2010
    • Tornado - champion for the second time. Tornado - Aset 6:1 Tornado repeats the history and gets the title for the second consecutive year. In the final game of the last round Tornado rolls over Aset, score 6-1. For this match both teams have prepared long enough. Aset, which was leading the standings more than half of the tournament, saw its dreams shattered. After finishing the first half with a draw 1-1, Tornado makes a show in the second half of the game. Valeriu Băeşu scored 5 of the six goals managed by Tornado.  Aset confesses that their refusal to play for 2 weeks because of the financial problems was their greatest mistake. Also, Aset players complain about the refereeing and about the way they are treated in the championship. While all the teams make plans for the future, the silver medalists, have no idea what to expect in the nearest future. Oleg Hilotii, Aset captain: - Lack of experience of the boys has been decisive today. Also the time we did not played we lost precious points. We will revenge next year if the team will certainly exist. Maybe we will change our name. I'm not sure of anything. Adrian Laşcu, Aset player - I cannot tell you anything about the future plans, I don't know what will be. If the team exists I will play for Aset. Not only today but throughout the league all were against us - and the referees and several persons in the Moldavian football. Constantin Burdujel, Aset player: - Arbitration is poor. There were many mistakes. Sergiu Ţurcan, Tornado president: - These were the most qualified referees in Moldova. We should improve the game and the arbitration as well. The champion of Moldova will fight for the Super Cup with Lexmax. Also Tornado, will represent our country in Europa League, the competition they attended last year as well. Sergiu Ţurcan, Tornado president: - First to win the Super Cup, after which we prepare for the Champions League. After we have once attended it, we felt the taste of the European Cups and decided we should go once again.  Valeriu Băeşu, Tornado captain: - It is important that in every game played in Europe to show a good level of playing, to prove that in Moldova we also play futsal. The bronze medals this year leave for JLC, which is one point behind Aset. The Cup holder, Lexmax finished the 4th. Sokol and Elan are the last positioned teams. Футзал | 19 апреля 2010
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