По разделам:       По стилю:
    • Александр Топало: "Я привык всего добиваться сам" Александр Топало, игрок мини-футбольного клуба "Омония" - в интервью корреспонденту "СК" рассказал о взаимодействии с партнерами и домашней арене. О себе, о своем видении ситуации в молдавском футзале. Футзал | 9 апреля 2010
    • Alexandru Topalo: "Totul obţin singur" Alexandru Topalo joacă în campionatul de futsal din Cipru pentru echipa Omonia. Футзал | 9 апреля 2010
    • Alexandr Topalo: "I am used to get everything by myself" - How do you choose between football and futsal? - Frankly speaking it wasn't my choice, it just happened like that. There are more opportunities for me in futsal, than in big football. - You are a defender, but you score a lot. - It depends on personal training, and the game itself. Although futsal much more depends on the stratgies chosen by the coach. My job is to control the game.  - How popular is futsal in Cyprus? - Is quite popular. Here the league matches are commented in newspapers, on TV and the Internet. All teams are sponsored and have good conditions for training. The games are visited by a large number of fans. Omonia has the greatest fan club in Cyprus. Last year, when Omonia played a decisive match in the fight for the gold medals, there were 3.700 fans with scarves, banners, flags and songs. In the Champions League our rivals were a bit shocked. That's how futsal in Cyprus can be. Футзал | 9 апреля 2010
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