UEFA thinks Oleg Andronic is the best Moldavian footballer of the past season

The Zimbru forward Oleg Andronic is the best 20 years old Moldavian footballer of the 2008-2009 season, according to UEFA.

"Even if he did not perform most of the matches of the second part of the championship, the young forward became the best scorer of the National Division. He scored 16 goals. The footballer helped his team to reach the 4th position of the championship, a rank that offers it the possibility to perform in the European League", says the official site of the European Football Forum.

Andronic was called out to play for the National Younger's Team in the friendly matches on the 5th and 9th of June, against the teams of Georgia and Belarus.

The Zimbru forward is the author of the quickest goal in the history of the Moldavian football.

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Источник – MOLDOVA.sports.md




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